GitHub - fand/node-aviglitch: A node.js porting of aviglitch rubygem by ucnv. GitHub - amgadani/Datamosh-python: Datamoshing scripts written in python GitHub - grampajoe/Autodatamosh: Perl script that automatically datamoshes MPEG4-encoded AVI videos. GitHub - happyhorseskull/you-can-datamosh-on-linux: it's a script that makes datamoshing with python fun and easy Making mosh-ups: automated datamoshing from multiple video sources These are command-line tools for datamoshing and glitching videos: This is a comprehensive list of resources for making glitch art: Glitchet: Art Resources Scripts Using these settings, I was able to get some glitch effects, but they were hit or miss.

Here are instructions for using a later version (> 2.7) of Avidemux: Datamoshing using Avidemux 2.7.0 | Antonio Roberts. That said, Avidemux 2.7.1 seems to be stable on a fully updated Mac. I tried downloading Avidemux 2.5.4 based on these instructions - TUTORIAL How to install avidemux for datamoshing on Mac OS X - Art! - Glitchet Forum - but it wouldn't load on my system (OSX Mojave). Some people recommend using a different operating system (e.g. Many people report that Avidemux doesn't work as well for datamoshing on newer versions of OS X (I don't know about Windows or Linux). Other handy tools to have are VLC for viewing and converting a variety of video files and ffmpeg as a general command-line video utility. HOW TO DATAMOSH | Asap Mob - Yamborghini High Music Video Effect (Premiere Pro & Avidemux Tutorial) - YouTube. TUTORIAL Make Video Glitch Art: How to Datamosh, in Plain English - Art! - Glitchet Forum Here are some good introductions to Avidemux:

You can also do basic video editing with it, though many people edit the original videos in some other software (e.g. Datamoshing AvidemuxĪvidemux is a free tool commonly used for datamoshing. I'd love to hear suggestions for additions or changes. I'm keeping an updated version of these notes, along with examples of running command-line scripts, here: I've written up my notes below in hopes they might be helpful for others trying to figure this out. I recently started learning about datamoshing and other video art techniques.