Piping isometric drawing for bathroom
Piping isometric drawing for bathroom

piping isometric drawing for bathroom

  • Plans and calculations for storm water retention must be submitted to the Buffalo Sewer Authority for approval.
  • When combined, this shall occur on the building exterior, downstream of any traps.
  • Storm and sanitary piping shall not be combined without approval of the Buffalo Sewer Authority and the Plumbing Department.
  • Single traps shall be installed, whenever possible, within 5 feet of the outside of exterior walls. These traps shall include a cleanout to grade.
  • Conductor piping, when entering a city combination sewer, must be trapped, either individually or a single trap not to exceed 10 inches in diameter.
  • (See Catch Basins and Catch Basin Detail) Catch basins shall be trapped internally according to standard City details. Catch basins shall be centrally located to the area being drained whenever possible, to prevent rainwater from having to run long distances. Prior approval from the Plumbing Department is required for any design with piping entering a catch basin. Piping may only exit a catch basin, not enter it.

    piping isometric drawing for bathroom

    All catch basins must be piped off the main storm line. All catch basins must list the square footage of area collected. If site conditions preclude this size (for example bedrock), prior permission must be received by the Plumbing Department. All catch basins for pavement drainage must be 5 feet by 3 feet exterior dimensions.Include the piping pitch, in inches per foot, for piping being installed. All roof, pavement, or storm piping must list the total square footage of drainage being picked up by each individual section of piping being run.This includes exterior and interior downspouts. All work must be shown on drawings labeled "site drawing." This is for any work on the building exterior, or paved areas. This work includes all water, sanitary, storm, and gas piping. NYS Plumbing codes are available on line at Site Work

    piping isometric drawing for bathroom

    Whenever plans are required, the following must be included for approval by the Plumbing Department.

    Piping isometric drawing for bathroom